On average people move home 5 times within the first 30 years of their life. When you take a minute to think about it that’s an incredible amount of moving to be done within such a small number of years. Moving from one house to another is no easy job and whilst this is something we need to do it’s crucial to learn how to make it as stress-free as possible.
Although we all move homes multiple times within our lifetimes, some never crack the code for a stress-free move. Luckily, we are here to help. Our team help people of all ages move home on a day to day basis, delivering a smooth and stress-free experience. Want to hear the secrete, well make sure you read right to the end of the blog.
Take The Time To Plan Comprehensively
Your planning should start months or even years before wish to be living within a new home. There is a lot that goes into a home move if you don’t give yourself the time to overcome the planning hurdle you may find yourself extremely stressed out dreading the move day.
As soon as you receive the date where your new house is free to be moved into, that’s when the planning starts. Make sure that you contact the removal company as soon as possible to ensure that there are availabilities to support you during your move.
Chose A Tried And Tested Removal Company
A huge factor that contributes to the success of any home move is the removal company Newcastle that you chose to hire. What may seem like a small choice when compared to the complete planning process can be the make or break when it comes to how stressful your home move will be.
An experienced and customer-driven removal company will be happy to guide you through the entire home moving process whilst offering you all the support you need along the way. additionally, if there are any mix-ups in the dates your removal company must be able to offer short term storage to keep your possessions safe whilst rearrangements are made.
The best advice we can give you is to choose a removal company which have been either tested by yourself or by family and friends. This way you will know if the company will take proper care of your possessions throughout the move.
Labelling All Of Your Boxes
When the time comes for packaging you have two choices. The first of which is hiring a removal team to do the packing for you or if you are budget savvy you can do this yourself. Whatever the case, make sure all the boxes are labelled clearly and concisely. Additionally, mark any boxes containing fragile items within so you and the removal team know to take great care with this specific box.
After arriving at your new home you want to know exactly where each box needs to go before ripping it apart to have a peek inside. If all boxes are labelled you can instruct the removal team to place boxes in specific rooms, saving you time and stress when it comes to unpacking.
Packing A Bag of Essentials
Save yourself the hassle of frantically digging through boxes looking for warm clothes upon arrival. The sad truth is that it’s likely that the day of the month is going to be a cold one. Both with the British weather combined with a lack of heating in the home upon arrival.
To reduce stress on the day of the move make the investment into a bag of essentials. By simply thinking ahead of the little items you’re going to need for the day of the move. Be smart and be prepared for the long day ahead.
Just Relax
Finally the most important tip we have to share with you. Just relax! We know this is a big part of your life but this should also be an enjoyable experience. You are moving into that home you always dreamt about. Simple, we know, but its an extremely powerful state of mind that will help you avoid all stresses that you could face.
Kian is the content writer for Quicksilver and updates our blog every month. He enjoys helping out our customers with moving tips and advice.